You will have had many problems throughout your life, and some possibly, in your opinion, you tackled them well and others not, taking into account the satisfactory results or not that you had. Likewise, the various social problems, although sometimes they involve many people, we can approach them in the same way or with the same criteria. And through this means we will propose to develop our consciousness and judgment capacities, among other cognitive talents, to value our environment and social, to find solutions to our problems of social coexistence, and even to our emotional problems to address them in a more satisfactory way. .You will have had many problems throughout your life, and some possibly, in your opinion, you tackled them well and others not, taking into account the satisfactory results or not that you had. Likewise, the various social problems, although sometimes they involve many people, we can approach them in the same way or with the same criteria. And through this means we will propose to develop our consciousness and judgment capacities, among other cognitive talents, to value our environment and social, to find solutions to our problems of social coexistence, and even to our emotional problems to address them in a more satisfactory way. .In our coexistence they many problems today, some will be easier to solve than others, but we all have not only the right to a better life, but also the moral duty to carry out the actions that are within our reach, using our talents or capacities to try to to put the part that corresponds to us, to try to improve the conditions of our existence, developing values and regulations valid for all or the great majority of the members of our environment. Thus we will try to address by this means all individual and collective psychological, political, economic, ecological, and socio-cultural problems, which within our competence we can adequately cover, in order to find means of solution to the various problems or conflicts or reach conclusions that allow us to be very clear about the ways of solving them. We will try to carry out this work with the participation of all interested parties, everyone will be welcome to contribute their ideas or opinions as long as they are not destructive, but rather serve to help us have a greater growth or constructive human development. When it comes to offensive material, there are many people who are offended by hearing the truth, and we will try to base ourselves on the truth, in order to arrive at real solutions and not try to build another society that ends up also ill, as in the one we currently live in.In our coexistence they many problems today, some will be easier to solve than others, but we all have not only the right to a better life, but also the moral duty to carry out the actions that are within our reach, using our talents or capacities to try to to put the part that corresponds to us, to try to improve the conditions of our existence, developing values and regulations valid for all or the great majority of the members of our environment. Thus we will try to address by this means all individual and collective psychological, political, economic, ecological, and socio-cultural problems, which within our competence we can adequately cover, in order to find means of solution to the various problems or conflicts or reach conclusions that allow us to be very clear about the ways of solving them. We will try to carry out this work with the participation of all interested parties, everyone will be welcome to contribute their ideas or opinions as long as they are not destructive, but rather serve to help us have a greater growth or constructive human development. When it comes to offensive material, there are many people who are offended by hearing the truth, and we will try to base ourselves on the truth, in order to arrive at real solutions and not try to build another society that ends up also ill, as in the one we currently live in.Now you wonder who determines the truth. In the search for knowledge, the great philosophers have determined that absolute truth does not exist, it is always relative and is based on the prevailing existential and cultural space. We will try to determine the truth according to the predominant positive or constructive values within our cultural environment, that is, taking into account the good fruits that they have produced in daily living in accordance with certain values and customs, and rejecting those that have the development of a dignified, happy and full life for the majority has been impaired, but taking into account the constructive values that some minorities also contribute. In other words, according to the satisfactory results that we have had in our history in solving problems, we can find many favorable resources to try to solve our problems and develop our human potentialities to the maximum in the most constructive sense for all.So we are going to get involved in each article that we write here and its problems to provide all the constructive ideas that we can, starting with the first. Being Venezuelan, I will begin with the dire problems that Venezuelan politicians — and others who pretend to be, but are not in reality — have created in our environment and the negative consequences they have generated. When the idea of this web page or blog arose, it was with the intention that we analyze and comment on the various disasters that we are carrying out in the administration or stewardship that God gave us in this earthly world, and try to find ways to create the conditions to develop a more productive, satisfactory and pleasant life for all the inhabitants of our environment. We will try to address the various problems that we have in our existential relationships and how we can best address them to solve them.Dear readers and followers:
I am from Venezuela and I recently finished writing a book entitled "The New Global Organization We Need". which deals with the sociological and philosophical approach to create the axiological and epistemic bases to build a new political, economic, socio-cultural and spiritual model for the global community.Book Synopsis: The unconscious ethical and moral conditioning factors are critically evaluated, from which the individual psyche and the social character of most people are nourished, which develop in the existential-space of the West, as well as the structures that are created to establish relationships alienating each other, and with their natural habitat; and we show the urgent need to orient ourselves in the search for new parameters of communication and interrelationships that are disalienating from the systematic process of objectification and corruption of our spirit; in order to develop new practical experimental models of relationships and the creation of socio-cultural, political and economic organizations, where the best conditions are propitiated, for the development of the positive potentialities of the Human Being and a greater sense of individual and collective well-being, which allow us the creation and implementation of a new civilizing re-education system of the global community, which is built with the synergy of ideas of all those interested in developing a sustainable society for life. For this, it is proposed and explained how to create an interdisciplinary macro-science that allows the understanding and concatenation of the diversity of cultural visions and conceptions, in order to be able, based on its productive action, to educate the following generations in a dynamic and holistic way.Keywords:
Society, Civilization, Conscious, Social-Character, Organization, Sustainable, Productive, Human Development, Transcendent.
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